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5 Amazing Tools for Remote Retrospectives

5 Unique Tools for Facilitating Great Remote Retrospectives

With remote and distributed teams becoming more common in the working world, teams are now having to adapt the way they facilitate and run meetings.

Here's a couple of great tools that have really helped me on my journey of keeping teams focused and engaged whilst working remotely.

1. Miro

Miro is a great tool for collaborating with your team and gives you the freedom to experiment with a range of templates, the flexibility of creating your own and is also extremely simple to use. Not only does it allow you to see everyones cursors so you know when your teams finished typing, it also gives you a count down timer which you can stop, start and pause, which is great for keeping your session on track for time.

2. Google Drawings

Google Drawings is an easy tool to use where you can paste in a Retrospective template and create text boxes for the team to comment on for post it notes. The main pro is that you can pretty much copy and paste any template you need in to shape the session and it's very simple to access and use.

3. Retrium

Retrium is another great tool to use for remote teams, not only does it have a variety of retrospective templates to choose from, it also allows you to group together common themes and vote, making setting actions with ease. Once you have run your retro you can also save it in Retrium to reuse those templates again for future use with your team.

4. Mural

Mural is very similar to Miro, but another great white-boarding tool where the world is your oyster so you can draw away!

5. Spin the Wheel

Spin the wheel is also another great remote retro tool to try out. Not only can you edit the tabs that it lands on, you also never know who is going to land on what and so it leads to a bit of team excitement as well as being a great conversation starter to guide different retro topics. You can create as many personalised labels as you want and then spin away!


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